दैनिक भास्कर समूह
About Us
दैनिक भास्कर समूह

Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. is a Private Company incorporated on 01 July 1985. It is classified as an Indian Non-Government Company and is registered at the Registrar of Companies, Gwalior. The Company is promoted by the Jabalpur based Agarwal family, Bhaskar Prakashan Private Limited (BPPL) is engaged in the newspaper publishing business since 1985 and publishes the 'Dainik Bhaskar' Hindi newspaper in seven editions namely Jabalpur (Estd-1-8-1986), Satna (Estd-27-9-1993), Chhindwara (Estd- 25-10-2008), Singrouli (Estd-30-11-2013) in Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai (Estd 18-04-2023), Pune (Estd 16-03-2024), Nagpur (Estd-08-12-2002), Akola (Estd-02-09-2009), Aurangabad (Estd-27-08-2011) in Maharashtra.
Registered Office
16,Amar Stambh, Press Complex, Zone-I
M.P.Nagar, Bhopal-462011,Madhya Pradesh.
Phone: (0755) 2577525. Fax: (0755) 4247788
Corporate Office
Bishambhar Bhavan,18,Civic Centre
Jabalpur- 482002, Madhya Pradesh.
Phone: (0761) 2601352/53, 2600882, Fax: (0761) 2603290
Company Details
RoC | RoC-Gwalior |
Corporate Identification Number | U22212MP1985PTC002911 |
Activity | Publishing, Printing and service activities related to printing & also In Electronic media as a Multi System Operator (MOS) in Cable television business. |
Company Category | Company limited by shares |
Company Sub Category | Indian Non-Government Company |
Class of Company | Private Company |
Date of Incorporation | 01 July 1985 |
Email ID | mca21000@gmail.com |
Regd. Office Address | 16, AMAR STAMBH, PRESS COMPLEX, ZONE - I, M.P. NAGAR. |
City | BHOPAL |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Country | INDIA |
PIN | 462011 |
Whether listed or not | Unlisted |
Membership’s | RoC-GwaliorIndian Newspaper Society, Audit Bureau Of Circulation |
Total Circulation Per Day | Jabalpur-197301, Satna-59879, Chindwara-41186, Nagpur-90480, Akola- 7750, Aurangabad-34305, Singrauli-19068 |
Company Profile
The Tier II and Tier III cities in India are growing at a much faster space compared to metros. It will not be out of place to mention that the growth of Indian economy is largely supported by the growth in these markets. Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd firmly believes in this growth and have been working along with it and focusing on all such markets which we call as "The Real Indian".
- Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd is present in 2 states in Hindi language in Madhya Pradesh and in Maharashtra.
- Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd has shown its Consistency & Growth by marking its presence in 2 states-7 editions & in 43 districts sub- editions.
- Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd has an average daily readership of 1.85 million readers.
Director Profiles

Mr. Kailash Agarwal
Managing Director
Kailash Agarwal is the Managing Director of Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd. He has been on the Board of the Company since inception. He has approximately 39 years of experience in the publishing and newspaper business and has been a part of the organization for same number of years. He is responsible for our long term vision and monitoring our Company's performance and devising the overall business plans. He holds a graduate degree (Bachelor in Science). Under his Dynamic leadership with clear future vision, the company has progressed to become one of largest read Hindi newspaper of the country, with multiple states presence in India. Due to his aggressive leadership qualities, the company is considered as one of the fastest growing media groups by various analyst and investors, which has spread from 1 City in 1985 to 7 major cities & various satellite towns across India, from 1 edition to 7 Editions & 43 District Sub-Editions covering the state of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. In his leadership adapting the innovative door to door contact launch process, company has achieved status of no.1 from day 1 across its launch markets. The rating committee of ICRA, after due consideration, has adjudged our company & has reaffirmed the Long term rating for the Captioned Line of Credit (LOC) at [ICRA] BBB+ (Pronounced ICRA triple B plus) and Upgraded the short term rating to [ICRA] A2+ (Pronounced ICRA A two plus) from [ICRA] A2. The Outlook on the Long- term rating as per ICRA is stable.

Mr. Rakesh Agarwal
Executive Director
Rakesh Agarwal is the Executive Director of our Company. He has been on the Board of our Company since inception. He has over 35 years of experience in the publishing business and has been with our organization for same number of years. He holds a graduate degree (Bachelor in Commerce). He heads entire production and information and technology department of our Company.

Mr. Ajay Agarwal
Non Executive Director
Ajay Agarwal, is the non executive Director of our Company. He has been on the Board of our Company since inception. He holds a graduate degree (Bachelor in Commerce). He has approximately 37 years of experience in the publishing and newspaper business and has been engaged in the running of our organization for around three decades, having quality of strategic management and business leadership.

Mr. Sumit Agarwal
Non Executive Director
Sumit Agarwal is the non executive Director of our Company. He has been on the Board of our Company since February 5, 2007. He heads the marketing and related operations of our Company. He has approximately 13 years of experience in the publishing business and has been with the organization for same number of years. Being a Management –Graduate he also holds the distinction of being the youngest director of the Bhaskar Prakashan Group.

Mr. Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal is the director of Digital Business of Dainik Bhaskar, one of the largest Hindi-language media conglomerates in India. He has been associated with the group for over two decades and has played a key role in its growth and success.
Our Coverage
49% of Indian urban Population resides in Bhaskar Prakashan Pvt Ltd. Market across 2 states .Our Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar is present in 2 states with 7 editions & 43 sub- editions.

Our Infrastructure
Only language paper in India having installed high techno quality KBA machines from Germany capable of printing 72 pages all color with 255000 copies per hour 52 state of art printing plant spread across 7 Premium editions in various state with full color capacity Overall color printing capability of 85% across all plants

Dainik Bhaskar
More than 25 year old flagship Hindi newspaper of Bhaskar Prakashan Group Only Hindi newspaper to have clear leadership in all its major markets with well diversified readership across various states Spread in 2 states with 7 editions and 43 district sub- editions

Bhaskar Madhurima
Became No.1 from Day 1 of its launch, It’s a readers supplement which we published two days in a week targeting the females and housewives. It generally covers the topics related to Home Décor, Cookery, Fashion and Apparels, Beauty tips, Women Health & Fitness etc. Uplifting the females & the housewife's in order to keep them at Edge with the current society standards & practices .

It’s a readers supplement published only on Saturday containing all the Hot topics of Bollywood, projecting the real time updates of the Silver Screen & the Celeb's . It has targeted the youth and help them to keep informed with the everyday B-town happenings and events.

It is also a readers supplement published only on Sunday's contrasting the interesting topic's relating to literature, Physiology, latest technological advancement, Health, biographies of famous personalities, Success stories relating to good corporate governance & social ethics. It's reading ensures the Scio-economic benefits among the masses catering the readership among all age groups.